KKK Flyers Show Up On Florida Residents' Doorsteps

Several residents in Jacksonville are feeling quite uncomfortable this week, after coming home to find rolled-up Klu Klux Klan flyers papering their front doorsteps.

The flyers contain offensive and harsh messages from the KKK group "Loyal White Knights" -- denouncing both African-American and Jewish community members in the area. The flyers also promote joining the racist group.

Residents from the East Arlington, Harbor Winds, and Hickory Lakes communities have all used the Next Door App to report and denounce the flyers. However, local authorities say that there is simply nothing they can do. 

According to Jacksonville Police: 

As a law enforcement agency, when we respond to reports of these incidents, our job is to determine if there is in allegation of criminal activity being made or if any laws are being broken. 

If there is, our officers are trained to conduct further investigation. If there isn't, we try to take the opportunity to explain to the complainant that the distribution of literature, no matter how offensive to some, is not in and of itself a crime.

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