Florida Teachers Accused Of Making Student, 7, Scrub Floors As Punishment

Two Polk County teachers are on leave after they allegedly punished a 7-year-old student by forcing her to scrub the school floors with a toothbrush. 

The incident reportedly happened last week at Lake Alfred Elementary. The child's family claim she was wrongfully punished for talking during class. 

According to the family, the teacher took the girl to another classroom where another teacher forces her to scrub the floors with a bucket and a toothbrush for hours, in front of a classroom full of children.

The parents found out after their 7-year-old complained of back pain after school.

A DCF Spokesperson says the agency is now investigating the incident.

The Polk County School Board says both teachers have been placed on leave. They sent this statement to local news outlets:

“We are deeply concerned about the allegations regarding two teachers at Lake Alfred Elementary. We have begun a formal investigation, and both teachers have been placed on administrative leave. This matter is also being investigated by law enforcement and the Department of Children and Families, with our full cooperation. 

Our schools are required to follow a Code of Student Conduct; it is expected that all disciplinary measures be handled in a manner that is respectful to the student and preserves their dignity. If true, the allegations described at Lake Alfred Elementary are completely unacceptable.”

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