If You Want To Spot A UFO, Tough Luck In Florida, According To Casino.org

If you're hoping to spot a UFO flying around the sky, you're unfortunately probably going to have to move out of Florida. 

That's according to Casino.org -- an independent provider of online casino reviews and information.

The Casino.org team recently found that states like Wyoming and Vermont offer the best odds of seeing a UFO. 

Specifically, your odds of seeing one in Wyoming are 205-to-1 and your odds of seeing one in Vermont ate 250-to-1, both based off population data.

States with the lowest UFO spotting odds are Florida, Texas, and New York. 

California has the highest number of UFO sightings, at 23,419, and other states that have had a higher number of sightings include Texas with 8,334; New York with 7,641, and Missouri with 7,467.

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