What’s Coming Next With John Durham’s Indictments?

Today I'm not just taking one Q&A, I'm taking three.

Hi Brian. Retired LEO. 3 things regarding the IG's report. 

1) Robert Mueller had 18 months to investigate Trump. He had unlimited resources, subpoena power, and the full backing of Congress and missed reporting the inconsistencies of Comey's investigation. 

2) Brady rule. If an investigator knowingly omits exculpatory or mitigating evidence that would exonerate a suspect, he could be charged with malicious prosecution. 

3) Lying to obtain a warrant. There are several charges that may be levied. 

If I would have committed these offenses, I would be before a judge within a day. 

Bottom Line: You make a good case. Sounds like you’ve done this a road time. Great points and surely part of what Durham will work on. From the day after the recommended indictment of former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe in September, into impropriety pertaining to the 2016 Presidential election cycle, I’ve been crystal clear. There would be significant implications. Immediately there were. This Ukraine phone call thing came about. The stakes were too high and there are too many people involved for the kitchen sink to not be involved. That’s exactly what we got. Once again, the premise of this impeachment has nothing to do with a Ukraine phone call and a whistleblower who wasn’t a witness to a crime that was never committed. This is about the crimes committed in 2016.

My 30 Count Indictment which I first brought to you on February 2nd, 2018 says that the DOJ and the FBI petitioned the FISA court to begin to surveil a Trump campaign adviser (Carter Page) on October 21st, 2016. The initial warrant on Carter Page was issued and renewed three times, every 90 days, and lasted through the campaign, the election, the President-elect period and early days as President. Check out my story to see how it happened

That’s what this is all about. Desperate people do desperate things to try to save themselves. The Ukraine phone call is their final desperate act to wag the dog. There's a crime or hundreds in there somewhere.

Submit your question by using one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

Twitter: @brianmuddradio

Facebook: Brian Mudd https://www.facebook.com/brian.mudd1

Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images

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